Effective: 23 July 2018
An updated copy of this document can be found at https://rumuki.com/privacy-policy.html
This document outlines what happens to, who has control over, and how we handle your information. Your privacy is our top priority and we are committed to being as transparent as possible with how these things are set up.
Our approach to security is to transmit and store the absolute minimum amount of information necessary to operate. As such, we don't collect very much data.
For starters, we do not collect any of the following information:
We do not collect IP addresses.
Personal information such as your real name, email address etc. are not required to use our services.
Your display name, the names of the other people that you have added, and the names of recordings that you have created are never sent to us in plaintext and protected in such a way that we do not have the means to decrypt them.
There are certains types of information that do we do collect:
Device tokens are anonymous tokens that help us associate your device with things such as push notifications, encrypted content or playback grants. It is randomly generated by your device, and is never associated with any personal information including the username that you choose in the app.
If you choose to enable them, we use a service called Crashlytics to retrieve and store Crash Reports. This information is collected anonymously when the app detects a crash or failure in order to provide a better experience in the future. This information includes, but is not limited to, device state information, unique device identifiers, device hardware and OS information, information relating to how an application functions, and the physical location of a device at the time of a crash.
Our servers store access logs for up to 7 days. These logs include the timestamp, user agent, http method and url. They do not include IP addresses. Logs may contain unique device tokens in the URL, however they will never contain information originating from the user, such as usernames, or video names.
If you do choose to subscribe to our mailing list, we will ask for an email address. In addition, you may optionally provide an email address when giving feedback through the app to allow us to get back to you. In both cases, your email address is never stored in association to your device and cannot be connected to any usage activity.